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Oceanside Mural Walk ideas

We have chosen Saturday 2/29 at 10am for the inaugural Oceanside Mural Walk, in connection with OMA's Sidewalk Activism exhibition. ...

Friday, February 14, 2020

Presentation ideas

The vision is that we should create an online map of all the murals in Oceanside and also create self-guided walking tours of different lengths for different neighborhoods/themes (e.g. restaurants with art to complement Taste of Oceanside? Dija Mara & Ty's Burger House for example have cool murals inside).

I would suggest it should not be limited to murals, but also include important architecture, sculpture and other public art, whether civic or privately owned. And that map could have layers, for example, if you only want to see architecture, utility boxes, or murals. This was my original first attempt a few years ago: LocalArtWalk.com.

I would love it if we also had a directory of artists, but that may be for another day/team.

The City of Oceanside has a GIS mapping department and that would be optimal, I think, to create the main online map. See Walnut Creek for an example (we could format differently to make cleaner, see Oceanside Brewery tour map).

We need to collect the following info for each mural:
  • Title
  • Artist
  • Year
  • Location
  • Funding Source
  • Short description
  • History / how it came to be (optional)
  • Links to any news articles/publicity (optional)

Optimally, each mural should have a video interview of the artist and possibly the sponsor, depending on the project origination story.

Some other cities that have online walking tours, to use as reference:
Some images from printed materials - my favorite is Scottsdale so I'll put those first!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Oceanside Mural Walk ideas

We have chosen Saturday 2/29 at 10am for the inaugural Oceanside Mural Walk, in connection with OMA's Sidewalk Activism exhibition.

Afterwards people will be able to go down to Don Myers and participate in the new Art that Excites glass mural, as that is their first day of public workshops!

I've put together a suggested slate of murals for the walk.

The idea is to get a clear story for each of them, and hopefully contact the artists or other stakeholders to talk about them during the walk. Each stop will be between 5-15 minutes, depending on the story of the mural and questions.

We have not contacted any potential speakers yet. I wanted to nail down which murals to include first. I'm hoping we can film each stop - maybe engage KOCT?

Then we could put together a virtual self guided tour with videos of the artists speaking about their works, and a link to the artist website, on a GIS map kinda similar to Oceanside Breweries and Tap Rooms.

And we are hoping to expand this into more self-directed tours. But for now we want to stick to murals in a walkable area of downtown, something we can accomplish within the month.

Please let me know if you have additional murals you would like to add to the consideration list, if you have some background information for any of the murals, and any proposed speakers to engage for the tour.

Potential Stakeholders:

  • Oceanside Museum of Art: Maria Mingalone, Adam Nicolai
  • Oceanside Arts Commission: CJ Di Mento (also Oceanside Public Library), Mitzi Summers 
  • MainStreet Oceanside: Gumaro Escarcega 
  • Visit Oceanside: Leslee Gaul 
  • Oceanside Historical Society - Kristi Hawthorne 
  • Osider Magazine: Zach Cordner
  • KOCT: Carly

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Questions to ask Artists

Suggested questions for artist interviews:

  1. How does working on a public piece of art - like a large scale mural - change the way you work? Do you think about the creative process differently? (Maria)
  2. What's the worst experience and the best experience you have had making a public artwork? (Maria)
  3. If you had one piece of advice for someone taking on a public art project, what would it be? (Maria)
  4. Tell us your origin story as an artist. What drew you into public art/street art? (Adam)
  5. What’s the story behind [insert mural name]? How did the idea for this piece develop and what was the process for its creation? Is there a message you were trying to convey through this work of art? (Adam)
  6. In what ways did the community of Oceanside support and/or influence this project? (Adam)
  7. What are some projects that you are currently working on now or that you have queued up for the future? How can we keep up-to-date on all that you have going on (i.e. social media handle)? (Adam)
Update 2/14/2020

Reached out to the following artists: 
  1. Skye Walker - Star Theatre
  2. Javier Arreguin - Eve
  3. Santos - Masters Kitchen and Cocktail
  4. Todd Gomes-Aviv - Artist Alley (south)
Text of contact: 

Participate in inaugural Oceanside Mural Walk?

In connection with the Oceanside Museum of Art, we are putting together a mural walk for downtown Oceanside on Sat Feb 29 (10-11:30am) , and another one on Saturday April 11 (10-11:30am).

We would like to talk to some of the artists that created these amazing pieces of public art during the walk. The plan is to have each artist appear alongside their work, tell their story, and answer a few questions, for a total of 10-15 minutes.

Might you be available and interested in participating? 

Thank you -

Mural Walk Description - Adam

Explore O’side: Mural Walking Tour


The creative spirit unique to the community of Oceanside is on prominent display through its stunning and vibrant collection of outdoor murals. Explore this state-recognized cultural district through the lens of public art. Join local arts advocate Brigid Parsons and special guest artists for a newly designed tour that will lead you through the heart of downtown O’side, and hear the hidden stories behind the creation of some of its most impressive works of art. In association with the Sidewalk Activism exhibition, participants will also receive free admission to OMA for the day. Check out #oceansidemurals on Instagram to get a sneak peek for what’s in store!